In part 1, we added diatonic and chromatic neighbor tones to a simple D-major scale ( click hereto review that first, if needed). Let’s expand and create turns for each note of the scale.
A turn begins with the note’s upper neighbor, goes down to the main note, followed by the lower neighbor, and then back to the main note (4 notes in total, as demonstrated above). We will first play the scale with the turn between the notes. To do this, we’ll play the main note for an 8th note value, followed by the turn in 32nd notes. Depending on your instrument, this will most likely involve a change of fingering for the scale. For string players, it’s very uncomfortable and impractical to do string crossings in the middle of a turn. I put some suggested fingerings in the examples below for violinists and violists.
There are two pages, so be sure to click the “next page” button.
Go ahead and come up with your own scale exercises similar to these, and try them in different modes.
CASHMORE327 says:
Thank you!!1